Conic in a sentence as a noun

A hyperbolic quote would escape toward infinity, which is the intended sense of the expression derived from the shapes of conic sections.

I wouldn't go looking for conical structures in the dog's brain to explain how come they have such astonishing mastery of conic section geometry.

I'm not sure if I missed the wrong lecture somewhere in my math education, but seeing that diagram of the conic sections was definitely an "Aha!

I look forward to the game version of my sophomore year -- Apollonius' conic sections and Ptolemy's astronomy.

Conic in a sentence as an adjective

I remember an example similar to this from high school algebra-- when we had started learning about conic sections and polynomials.

So, can explain code much like a good freshman physics text explains Newton's second law or Coulomb's law or how a good freshman calculus text explains conic sections or differentiation.

For example, I see Mercator choropleths of US statistical data quite frequently, which should be using something like an Albers equal-area conic projection instead.

Conic definitions


(geometry) a curve generated by the intersection of a plane and a circular cone


relating to or resembling a cone; "conical mountains"; "conelike fruit"

See also: conical conelike cone-shaped