Congruous in a sentence as an adjective

Not the best source, but it is a short answer that in congruous with other stuff I have read.

It's a word that's already a word, and its use on Blippex is almost congruous with the actual word.

How is anything about her behaviour that night congruous to a panic attack?

The author has a problem with events called "hackathons" that are not congruous to his definition of a hackathon.

This seems congruous to how humans may internalise arithmetic.

The author accidentally reveals the solution and it's not 100% congruous with his own efforts:"We “learn,” and after this we “do.” We go to school and then we go to work.

Not to turn this into a religious/philosophical argument, but I've yet to hear a good definition for the soul that's congruous with the symptoms of brain damage.

You're right that slavery isn't inherently racist.> Western slavery required racism to justify...That's not really congruous with history.

I work in higher ed analytics in a role congruous to teacher education and the charter schools we partner with for teacher's in-classroom training are no better in this respect than the public schools we work with.

> Especially since I've been posting anti-communist since, well, forever and even todayWhich is congruous with you being a GRU operative, or even a CCP shill spreading black propaganda by making poor arguments.> And also that's fine.

Congruous definitions


corresponding in character or kind

See also: congruent


suitable or appropriate together