Congressman in a sentence as a noun

Tell congressman how important they are, because our personal freedoms and privacy are at risk, and they are the only ones who can protect us.

However, the irony of the matter is that under his own proposed bill, the congressman's site would be blacklisted regardless.

Call your congressman if you feel the law is unjustHe probably doesn't want to make the long-distance call to his congressman, given that he's in the Netherlands.

Offer congressman the choice of being "Defender of personal freedom/privacy" vs "Distributor's stooge".

[...] Jiang had not had clearance to such projects at Langley as an employee of the National Institute of Aerospace""A press release issued by Wolf after the arrest and copy of Jiang's arrest warrant have since disappeared off the the congressman's website.

Looks like this is one of those stories that belongs in an "always-true" newspaper, along with "tensions in the middle east escalating" and "congressman apologizes for affair".

It is difficult for anybody - congressman, president, republican voter, etc. - to argue that what the NSA is doing is fine when the guy with all the technical details and design of the program says it isn't.

Although I applaud the efforts here, as a former staffer and intern for a congressman, I hate to be the bearer of bad news...The truth is my job as an intern, as was the job of all other interns that I met while in DC, was to take constituent calls and also open constituent mail.

Congressman definitions


a member of the United States House of Representatives

See also: congresswoman representative