Confusing in a sentence as an adjective

Further confusing the point, she mentions later that she's "friends with all of the founders.

This piece of advice is the sole reason why the back button is confusing to users.

The idea that Python is so slow that it's confusing TCP sounds wrong to me. I think it's more likely that your packet capture scheme is slow.

In general the service seems really neat, but I have to admit I find their storage and pricing system a bit confusing.

For someone who is new to project management, for example, the fancy programs with every feature and option are confusing and scary.

The mismatched gradients on the new icons are beautiful to them, the wire frame and confusing UI elements are revolutionary, and fragmentation is simply just creating fertile ground for change.

Confusing definitions


causing confusion or disorientation; "a confusing jumble of road signs"; "being hospitalized can be confusing and distressing for a small child"


lacking clarity of meaning; causing confusion or perplexity; "sent confusing signals to Iraq"; "perplexing to someone who knew nothing about it"; "a puzzling statement"

See also: perplexing puzzling