Concisely in a sentence as an adverb

A nice long list of things all concisely put into one blog - I'm sure this took some time to write.

Also try to state clearly and concisely what the project was and what your role was.

You can, extremely concisely, create a parser for a language you dream up.

Because you can make it not-your actual code, and can use it to concisely test exactly what you're looking for.

Landing page should clearly and concisely tell me, the random passerby, exactly what you do: "Get a home cooked meal by a fellow foodie"

The title is concisely introducing the article -- and I'm glad it is, for the original title would probably escape my attention.

I have skimmed through "Practical Common Lisp" and I fail to see the charm - there isn't anything which can't be conveniently and concisely coded in Ruby or Python.

Lots of technical books are full of "padding" and duplication because no-one will buy a 50 page book which concisely provides the useful information for $10-$20.

As a not-yet founder, it has a lot of interesting advice that I don't think is documented anywhere as concisely and practically as it is here.

I've helped a bunch of people prepare for YC interviews and the biggest problem by an order of magnitude is not being able to concisely explain what you actually do.

Concisely definitions


in a concise manner; in a few words; "the history is summed up concisely in this book"; "she replied briefly"; "briefly, we have a problem"; "to put it shortly"

See also: briefly shortly