Conch in a sentence as a noun

Some of the docs suggest "xonsh" is pronounced "conch".

I'd never heard of conch, thanks loads for the reference; really useful.

Good to see competition in this area with sh, bash, zsh, fish, conch and many others.

At one point, I had to implement a "Lord of the Flies" style conch system to make discussions bearable.

CoCs are an elaborate legalistic version of a conch shell.

But what might be helpful is a shell script "conchrun" that will run a command if the conch can be secured, and then releases the conch once the command exits.

We are trapped inside a terrible, gigantic conch, which resonates with the frequency of scandals and sound-bytes and dampens the sounds of thoughtful debate.

You might consider variants that use a conch piercing or a stretched earlobe piercing instead - I'm pretty sure, among the earring wearers of the affluent world, far more have stretched earlobes than have unpierced earlobes, and probably also more have conch piercings.

Conch definitions


any of various edible tropical marine gastropods of the genus Strombus having a brightly-colored spiral shell with large outer lip