Computation in a sentence as a noun

It's about learning the math and science behind computation theory.

A key point that's glossed over is computational complexity on the senders side.

Where page-views are the limiting resource, and computation is not.

Cheap computation matters much more to search engines than social networking sites.

Open data research and computation is the solution to that problem.

The fact is there are so, so many occasions where you want to abort a computation if one of the many steps along the way goes wrong.

Streams and Storm target the emerging area of "big data" where you need to distribute your computation across a cluster.

"Fully homomorphic" means "a computation can be done on two encrypted values without decrypting them.

It's a mindset-altering philosophy and/or > worldview, not a completely novel theory of > computation.

It makes me sad that all this computation can't simultaneously be used to fold proteins, or some other "externally productive" calculation.

Combining error-handling with nondeterminism gives you a question: should an error cause the whole computation to fail, or only that particular branch?

I also admit that I havent got many bright ideas about what I wish hardware designers would provide instead of multicores, now that theyve begun to hit a wall with respect to sequential computation.

The nice thing about that is you can choose the appropriate restart based on what you know at a higher-level in the program and continue that computation without losing state and restarting from the beginning.

The operating system is /not/ doing something hilariously insane here, throwing out all computation on the device because someone is accidentally touching it.

> Myth #4 - Functional programming doesn't support variable assignment > [...] > According to Church's thesis, all programming languages > are computationally equivalent.

However, it doesn't seem to be a quantum computer in the sense of something that exploits quantum effects to do computation faster than a classical device can do by more than a constant factor, and the recent hype about their machine is very misleading.

I can just choose one... or I can zoom through the backtrace, inspect objects, change values in instance slots, recompile code to fix the bug, and choose the "continue" restart... voila the computation continues, my system never stopped doing all of the other tasks it was in the middle of doing, and my original error was fixed and I didn't lose anything.

Computation definitions


the procedure of calculating; determining something by mathematical or logical methods

See also: calculation computing


problem solving that involves numbers or quantities

See also: calculation figuring reckoning