Complexify in a sentence as a verb

Simplify the problem you've got or rather don't complexify it. I've done it myself, it's fun to do.

Anyway, don't assume he's simple b/c, even if he were, the office would complexify him.

But, as I said, in my experience the "pile of shell" firewall scripts complexify things rather than simplify them.

As we "complexify" each layer, we end up having to have specialists in just one area to get it to work well. We've pushed way beyond the point of diminishing returns.

We would suggest to them to simplify their mathematical equations rather than complexify them as they're trying to do."

De-complexify Windows and focus on its number one use case: Office. Windows is essentially a platform for running Office and playing games.

Complect is to complex as complicate is to complicated - It means "complexify" for those who prefer archaisms to neologisms.

Does Rails encourage me to eventually complexify the application's routes and methods to a point that the scaffold won't make any sense at all?

An anecdote that may complexify things a bit. My grandfather’s grandfather was a Black Civil War veteran who settled in Alabama near Opelika after the war.

I had one to many classes with pricks who think the purpose of a class is to complexify basic concepts and espouse their greatness rather than convey useful information.

TL;DR Software Engineers complexify the code because they have nothing to do and scientists do all the real work. I was left with the impression that the author lacks a broad view over the software development landscapes and thus tends to generalise badly.

A scientist has his science to worry about so he doesn't have time to complexify the code needlessly. Many programmers have no real substance in their work - the job is trivial - so they have too much time on their hands, which they use to dwell on "API design" and thus monstrosities are born.

The real problem of cleverness is when people are bored of being code monkeys and start inventing things that complexify their project without any legitimate justification. Like "a cron job and a two line shell script would do but why don't I design my own multi-tier scheduling cluster"

IMO, Social media can tend to reduce complex issues to mere scores based on camp-size, and I am fighting to re-complexify our dialogue. Let's upvote towards solid discussion and relish complexity and diversity of thought.

The whole point of software engineering is to manage and avoid complexity, not to obfuscate/complexify your software beyond any control and then weasel your way out of it by saying that your software can't be proven wrong. The fact that no proof can be given either way is a failure of the design process, not of the claimant."

The only reason pgbouncer stays is that I don't want to mess with it again, but it's death by a thousand paper cuts, enough to complexify deployment and updates to a point where I'm thinking of calling it quit and using a different database in front of postgres.

However, please understand that the app didn't "complexify" as you added those data items, and the data model didn't somehow improve to handle them: you lost the ability to do queries of the form "find documents similar to this one" without doing heroics. This is a trivial single select order by operator query with a cloud, and this is nearly impossible to represent using a separate relation.

Complexify definitions


have or develop complicating consequences; "These actions will ramify"

See also: ramify


make complex; "he unnecessarily complexified every problem"