Complain in a sentence as a verb

There is not a whole lot to complain about.

Don't you dare lump me into a group of people you hear complaining loudly.

Is this where we get to complain about how horrible Google Maps suddenly is?Because wow.

As long as you feel the benefits outweigh the downsides the only person you can complain to is yourself.

If not, how can you complain about Apple producing a tool to support their proprietary book format?

If enough people complain their penalties will escalate and their credit card processing rates will go through the roof.

> You know how all Android developers complain about fragmentation?

When people complain about entrepreneurs building social networks instead of curing cancer, they need to understand that this is a big part of the reason.

> Now they complain that they want to use just one everywhere?It's almost like the Internet is lots of different people with wildly divergent opinions!

I've never understood this condescension and self-righteousness towards those who complain about a service yet still use the service.

It's a demo: you can't complain that it's hindering usability or enjoyment of the pictures when there is no context in which you might use it or enjoy the pictures.

Erlang programmers will 100% absolutely correctly complain that OTP can't be translated without loss into Go, and almost nobody will care.

You can complain about it, you can legislate about it, you can gnash your teeth and prostrate yourself and offer blood sacrifices to your preferred god, but nothing will change this basic fact.

How many people are going to complain about someone else making 10% more than they are when that "someone else" is taking on the worst projects with a smile and giving them more time to work on the good projects?4.

It's often economically rational for a customer to say "I'd like to continue using your product/service, but I have a specific complaint about it.

If youre complaining about government spying on the Internet, or in a gathering of programmers, and you wont take basic steps to do anything about it, then youre a hypocrite, full-stop.

Complain definitions


express complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness; "My mother complains all day"; "She has a lot to kick about"

See also: kick plain quetch kvetch


make a formal accusation; bring a formal charge; "The plaintiff's lawyer complained that he defendant had physically abused his client"