Commodity in a sentence as a noun

This is because bank loans have become a commodity and they need your business as much as you need their money.

SQL Server's Full Text Indexing run took too long during the nightly import job on year 2000 commodity hardware.

There is a subjective reason, though: namely, that a large enough number of people agree that USD is a worthwhile commodity.

The risk is they get disrupted due to all CPUs turning into a commodity in roughly the same way that RAM is a commodity.

Our architecture just uses S3 as a pluggable commodity, so a few hours of coding is going to result in a new $4000/month in savings from this announcement.

Overpaying for a company at the moment when its core competency is becoming a commodity.

Since most medicine is just sold as effectively a commodity, being 6m ahead of your competition usually just means you have 6 extra months of revenue.

The hardware guys are 'just making an interchangable commodity' as far as the sysadmins are concerned, as they virtualise everything away.

This came about because of the long-obsolete notion that Internet access is a difficult and expensive commodity that requires that the client must keep a mirror of what's on the server.

Economists call this property ‘liquidity,’ and it basically means ‘how easy is it for me to get what I want with this commodity.’Stop calling currencies commodities.

The conclusions the author draws, that Gates was "anchored in the old paradigm of storage being a commodity that must be conserved" sounds like typical hand-wavy details-don't-matter business-person think.

"Which is bad news if your strength is that you are a good programmer, because in this kind of environment games become a commodity, so you have to compete with hundreds of thousands of other game developers who also don't have to be as briliant as Carmack.

If you build a service oriented architecture for your company, you decouple the explicitly evil part of what you do that requires a uniquely sociopathic personality from the more banal customer service oriented part that can be fulfilled by commodity labor.

"the notion that the governments raisin-administrators ward off chaotic gyrations in prices far-fetched: walnut and citrus farmers, after all, have abandoned similar systems in recent years without any ill effects"This issue has been studied extensively - "agricultural central banks" are a bad way to deal with a perishable commodity because they shift demand volatility onto the government's balance sheet and so dull the incentive for supply to adjust, or find ways to become more versatile.

Commodity definitions


articles of commerce

See also: good