Committal in a sentence as a noun

It's because it's so non-committal that I can deal with twitter...

The best reply if someone says something gossipy to you is a non-committal "Ahh" or "Hmm."5.

" I am not going to speak about God, but about the Light, which is its own thing; and I remain non-committal about its origins.

Thiel is talking about both a 20-50 year vision and a 1000-year vision, and he is pretty non-committal about the 1000-year vision.

At least if you meet organically, it can always be in a friendly non-committal social context.

The point of this feature is that it's good for non-committal "conversations" and very easy to engage/disengage.

I think the biggest value of fivethirtyeight has been to cut through all the partisan and non-committal predictions coming from the media and rest of the web.

I suspect Zuckerberg responded exactly as vaguely as he meant to, evoking the non-committal response from Williams and learning much about him in the process.

There are still some vestiges of the 1950s view, though; a friend told me of someone else in his mission who, after visiting a non-committal black family, complained that "n___ers were fence-sitters in the pre-existence and they're fence-sitters now".So, as you say, it's complex.

Committal definitions


the official act of consigning a person to confinement (as in a prison or mental hospital)

See also: commitment consignment


the act of committing a crime

See also: perpetration commission