Commensurable in a sentence as an adjective

But how do you equate or make commensurable those different measures?

I want to render the candidates commensurable so i can make a better decision for my own purposes.

Well, if the quantity of carbon injected is commensurable with the oil extracted, it could provide CO2-neutral oil.

You will find several similar press releases involving his work, not commensurable with its actual impact.

You need to formalise amongst yourselves, the directors, a way of getting rewarded commensurable with your work.

One could argue, easily, that the real numbers are not, in fact, "real," either, that they are rather an abstraction needed to make any measures "commensurable.

Since he didn't do this, all of his influential concepts remain completely commensurable with modern science and mathematics.

The two concepts are not directly commensurable, and one can have objects with referentially transparent methods, to be used in a declarative style.

The Neoplatonic Oneness, which was washed out in various times in Christian history, is fully commensurable with contemporary science.

This is commensurable with the statement that the boltzmann entropy of the start of the universe, prior to inflation, would be equal to "1" -- because that is the total volume of possible phase space.

Eating a mantle, or breathing the dust from a freshly replaced one, wouldn't be a great idea; I'd expect it to increase cancer risk to a degree probably commensurable with some number of years of smoking.

I, like you, haven't followed F# since it diverged so much in development, but it's understandable that those features would be in-commensurable with how it interoperates with the .NET framework.

It claims to be commensurable with — but not derivable from — science, rigorously formalizing intuitive ethical principles, to at least create a consistent grounding for making effective ethical choices.

Making the argument that those two behaviors, management insisting on punctuality and violent bodily mutilation, are commensurable is the exact kind of insane thinking that I am criticizing.

I agree on the last point: ACA probably actually helps them by making this kind of analysis possible to automate, since it gets the plan data into some kind of commensurable, analyzable form, and simplifies the answers to all kinds of eligibility questions.

In fact, 'support' of the sort we typically think of, expressed in a poll for a democratically elected leader subject to periodic free and fair elections, is not really a commensurable quantity with 'support' for an authoritarian leader who's clung to power for a couple of decades.

And even that weak guarantee ignores huge and intractable political economy issues about whether different interests have commensurable merit functions, the measurability of individual merit, and whether the people implementing the merit function actually implement it according to spec.

Commensurable definitions


capable of being measured by a common standard; "hours and minutes are commensurable"