Commemoration in a sentence as a noun

Even if I am wrong about 1 it doesn't mean that HN is the place for its commemoration.

Might go a lot further than empty commemoration.

Instead, Zoom refers to a “June 4th commemoration event.”

Not only it is a recreation, but also an exposition conducted almost 2 years ago, in commemoration of the end of WWI.

Likely an accumulation of attacks in commemoration of the anniversary of Aaron Swartz's death, as have been going on the last few days.

I've always found it ironic that what is probably our most important holiday is a commemoration of one of Britain's greatest blunders.

Don't confuse commemoration with a party/celebratory sense, the event is usually pretty stern.

Once I prepared a kind of audio commemoration for incurably ill nephew of a friend of mine and I'll never forget the look of her eyes when she got this CD. I'm sure Artifact will provide such effects with greater intensivity and scale.

In fact, today's events were started as a commemoration of the end of WWI, a war which had shaken the world to its core with its till-then unprecedented horror, brutality and human toll.

I can assure you that nobody wants that.> In other words, those monuments tend to represent oblique commemoration of racist violence, and seem to threaten future violence by their presence.

Imagine if you logged into a Tiananmen Square Massacre commemoration from your couch in Sunnyvale, and days or weeks later, American police knocked down your door and arrested you in front of your family for distribution of child pornography.

From birth announcements, to growing belly bumps, baby showers, nursery decor and furniture, the maternity photo shoot fun and belly casting commemoration; we journey the entire pregnancy alongside mom and can't wait to celebrate the arrival of their littlest angel.

Commemoration definitions


a ceremony to honor the memory of someone or something

See also: memorialization memorialisation


a recognition of meritorious service

See also: memorial remembrance