Collaborationist in a sentence as a noun

I'm just not convinced his collaborationist past was the deciding factor.

It's not built to give anything back to the people in the participating states, except for collaborationists which sell off their countries to that mafia.

Did french president françois mitterand work under vichy collaborationist regime ?

Scott Adams is a washed-up cartoonist turned reactionary collaborationist pundit whose only recent accomplishment is getting owned on Twitter all day. What does he know about persuading people?

Raw materials and foodstuffs were requisitioned, and the collaborationist government was forced to pay the cost of the occupation, giving rise to inflation.

" is an excellent question to ask considering the existence of collaborationist Chinese who supported the Japanese occupiers.

Saying it's excessive means essentially "let's pay the same thing to less people for more work".Yes, the conditions are not bad; and people in the US should be inspired to organize, unionize - and not in those yellow collaborationist unions in the AFL-CIO, but in independent unions or in an IWW section, and demand decent, French-level employment conditions, at least.

Collaborationist definitions


someone who collaborates with an enemy occupying force

See also: collaborator quisling