Cohort in a sentence as a noun

For example, do students who sell sex at college go on to be less or more successful than their cohort?

How can you, from your study of a cohort of one, assert that no one can beat depression because you haven't?

And the cohort which estimated its humour in the bottom quartile did, too, perform the worst.

"This summer, we had over 150 mentors complete over 650 30m-1hr long mentor meetings with our cohort.

A/B testing with proper cohort analysis can let you tease this out and decide accordingly.

The Dunning & Kruger cohort which estimated its humour at the top quartile did perform in the top-quartile.

From where I'm sitting, this cohort is quite well equipped to found successful tech companies, despite the fact that we tend to have families and children.

It works with preschool kids, so there's no reason that adults -- people with fully formed brains and a full cohort of emotional tools -- can't have the same response.

These systems recruit 100% of their teacher corops from the top third of the academic cohort, and then screen for other important qualities as well.

They're also typically a less-experienced cohort than people who have written in lots of different languages.

Software developers are not, as a cohort, particularly effective intuitive psychologists.

You'll also likely require substantial external support for initial campaigns because relative to the lawyers, doctors, businessmen, undertakers, and pilots in your cohort you are, ahem, kinda poor.

In another well-designed cohort study, the combination of a plant based diet, frequent consumption of nuts, regular physical activity, normal BMI, and not smoking accounted for differences up to 10 years in life expectancy.

A quote: "So while it's interesting to hear that women are less likely to die of heart disease if they have a partner, no one's going to go out to find one in order to have a marginally better chance of making it to old age."The above sentence shows that the author -- and most readers -- miss the single most important thing about cohort studies -- which is that they can't distinguish causes from effects.

I and a lot of my peers are planning to leave our home countries specifically so we don't have to spend a single penny supporting the twilight indolence of that morally vacuous cohort who literally ruined the world for their benefit, after spending their youths supposedly saving it, and their middle ages talking endlessly about how great they are for having done so, all while they carved chunks out of their children's future.

Cohort definitions


a company of companions or supporters


a band of warriors (originally a unit of a Roman Legion)


a group of people having approximately the same age