Coaxial in a sentence as an adjective

You coaxial cable is usually about 600 MHz.

[2] My next door neighbour designed and sold the underlying hardware used on Telstra's coaxial network.

It has an interesting formation of an infinite coaxial cones.

In fact, simply adjusting and re-tightening your coaxial cable can easily result in more than a 1dB change.

The fact that most of the internet I use in the USA ends up last-mile-ing over coaxial lines laid in the 1970s is terrible and unlikely to change in the next 10 years.

The Blumlien pulser is easy to fabricate and can generate very short rise times since you are charging up a coaxial cable to high potentials, then shorting one end to start the pulse.

While reading a bit about these cables I found this unusual fact on Wikipedia:> Because the [TAT-8] cable was the first fiber optic cable and not coaxial cable, the electrical interference shielding for the high voltage supply lines was removed.

Coaxial definitions


having a common axis

See also: coaxal