Coat in a sentence as a noun

This evening I'll go out to a mixer and I'll throw on a nice sport coat.

Sugar coat it all you want "playing the game within the rules of the system".

All of my group wear, unfailingly, collared shirts and sweaters or sports coats or suits.

It really should not feel like a taxi with a different coat of paint on the outside.

I even used to have a brightly colored coat and a trading floor badge, back when that mattered.

It started because she passed so close to some workmen that our fender flicked a button on one man's coat.

Apparently I will not be buying a sport coat that makes me feel "quality" and "worth it.

Coat in a sentence as a verb

I really hate it when companies try to sugar coat a decision that is all downside for their customers.

Sell special "Tsunami resistant latex paint" which if you coat a building with this the water will go around instead.

This dispersion was used to dip-coat strips of filter paper, rendering the paper conductive.

People have a tendency to believe anything that someone in a lab coat says, especially if it supports their point of view or anecdotal experience.

They determined that the patient suffered a collapsed lung, so they made an incision in her chest, and used a coat hanger, brandy, and a tube from a medical kit to drain the lung.

To him, there is no freedom but absolute freedom; any compromise whatsoever is unacceptable, and he will not sugar-coat his opinions to make them more palatable to those that don't think the same way that he does.

Obviously there's no details at this point, but he absolutely takes responsibility, doesn't try to deflect or sugar coat it, and manages to find a tone that is both professional/serious, yet also down-to-earth and earnest.

Coat definitions


an outer garment that has sleeves and covers the body from shoulder down; worn outdoors


a thin layer covering something; "a second coat of paint"

See also: coating


growth of hair or wool or fur covering the body of an animal

See also: pelage


put a coat on; cover the surface of; furnish with a surface; "coat the cake with chocolate"

See also: surface


cover or provide with a coat


form a coat over; "Dirt had coated her face"

See also: cake