Cling in a sentence as a noun

The dissolved sugar makes the boiling water cling to the skin longer, and the skin peels off leaving the raw flesh exposed.

If you cling to it, then you will never leave, even if your co-founders are idiots and the business is a failure.

In that case, I suggest you take good care of your machine, because in your utopia there will be no new models coming out. Sheesh, how some people, in time of crisis, cling to their laptops and algorithms.

They are clinging to behaviors that are socially-approved.

Their minds, being unable to accept the situation as-is, keep thinking that civilization will save them somehow, and cling to that.

DRM is a fantasy that uninformed media executives cling onto with a dream that it will put the genie back in the bottle.

Cling in a sentence as a verb

We often cling to the idea that open source software is superior to closed source software, but a quick survey of the landscape of open source software will show that this is patently false.

That any part of the company can change direction instantly at any time, because there are no managers to cling to their people and their territory, no reorgs to plan, no budgets to work around.

That's what allows people to deride musicians for trying to "cling to obsolete business models", as if a verdict on the viability of someone's business model entitled people to ignore their rights.

Similarly, I'm shocked at the droves of people on my campus that haven't been to church in years, haven't read the Bible, are generally not good people, and can't even enumerate reasons why they cling to their faith, but happily rush out to vote for anti-gay Republicans.

Seems you stumbled on the secret of keeping a good online community: don't let a person's contacts exceed the network's dunbar number[1].non-default subreddits can still be quite good, but many/most/all of the default subreddits are wastelands ravaged by a silent majority of up- and down-voters while the huddled masses of commenters cling together for safety.

But sometimes one is dominant, and if the gray beast gets its teeth all the way into you, it takes away not just positive feelings but everything until you're just a walking shell so empty you can't even fully comprehend what you've lost.> The converse, when the black beast has you, can be much like you describe - you can still feel a kind of dreadful, frenzied joy in short moments as you cling desperately to the edge of the sucking dark hole in yourself, trying to ignore the beast's whispers that any pleasure is a lie that will just make the coming pain more stark and inescapable and utterly deserved.> They're liars, but they're good at it.

Cling definitions


fruit (especially peach) whose flesh adheres strongly to the pit

See also: clingstone


come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation; "The dress clings to her body"; "The label stuck to the box"; "The sushi rice grains cohere"

See also: cleave adhere stick cohere


to remain emotionally or intellectually attached; "He clings to the idea that she might still love him."


hold on tightly or tenaciously; "hang on to your father's hands"; "The child clung to his mother's apron"

See also: hang