Cleaver in a sentence as a noun

From a social perspective, it's about as emphatic as a meat cleaver.

Kind of a cleaver way to get metrics, now that I think about it. When I temporarily stopped the bot from connecting to IRC, I decided it might be fun to login as the bot and join the channel I saw it connecting to.

And that's due to decades of cleaver advertising to introduce that psychological barrier. So no generic brand can ever say they are "As Good" with people believing them.

Hiring somebody, buying them a camera, sending them to the concert to take photos is what I would classify as the least cleaver way of solving the problem.

Well god forbid that uppity cleaver kids might enjoy school it might impact our plan to game the ofstead inspection so that we get the duffers who are on course for a D up to a C

Disruptor uses very cleaver ideas, but I believe its performance can be improved after good code review. One more point is that while our queue implementation is C++, it's still self sufficient and can be easily ported to C for using in kernel space.

Proper Noun Examples for Cleaver

Cleaver and sehugg have both mentioned rsync, which I also think is a viable alternative. If possible, I try to use scp - is there any reason neither of these are viable alternatives?

Cleaver definitions


a butcher's knife having a large square blade

See also: chopper