Clavichord in a sentence as a noun

One needed a lot more parts than a harpsichord or clavichord had to do this well.

Bach's clavichord was not equally tempered, but well tempered, like the title of the work says.

It sits in between a clavichord, guitar and a harp, and that was exactly what I wanted.

The clavichord plays like a piano with aftertouch.

Then we all went down into the vaults of the crypt, crowded in, and the second half was on clavichord in this tiny, echoing space.

"The modern fashion is to play Bach on a period-appropriate instrument like a harpsichord or clavichord.

Simply the ability to switch tunings on the fly, rather than stopping to laboriously change gears on your harpsi/clavichord.

Also under-appreciated is that you can change the pitch of each strike of a key on a clavichord by striking harder/softer or pressing into the key.

I think Bach used harpischords partly for technical reasons - the piano hadn't been invented - and preferred the clavichord but that was too quiet for performing to many people.

It did borrow from the harpsichord, but appears to be a single-minded attempt to make the volume of a note controllable, like a clavichord, but loud enough for performances.

Clavichord definitions


an early stringed instrument like a piano but with more delicate sound