Clan in a sentence as a noun

[0] the clan's full motto is "What goeth around, cometh around... or thtopth.

When you watch a match with other fans, you feel like you are part of a clan, you feel a sense of belonging.

In school people clan and desperately look for some identity to copy.

I'm still using DO but will definitely scale back in the future, they seem to be run like a hobbyist gaming clan forum.

The clan and passed-down-knowledge stuff is rather different than most of the special ops stuff training I'm aware of.

Clash of clans is #1 top grossing because it's hands-down the most widely accessible, deep, and fun strategy game for the iPhone.

Those the latter would be distributed accordingly to tribal / clan structures.

Their bodies consist of mixed and matched and patched and swapped body parts among other members of their clan, of scars and self-adjustements.

They're a clan of assistants, surgeons, bio-engineers and self-improvers, they're patched up because "what goeth around cometh around"[0], and with Igor it's parts.

I love discussing the ever-shifting optimal layout metagame with my clanmates.

There is a growing contempt for the old academic intelligentsia more concerned with 'clan politics' than actual knowledge creation.

His clan pretty much owns and runs a whole country and rulers and their families generally have everything available to them, in every dictatorship all around the world since the beginning of time.

[Insert long discussion about evolutionary nature of us-versus-them reasoning and clan formation]

By this I mean\n to say: to reach out in my own way to the things I wished to learn,\n rather than relying on the notions of the consensus, overt or tacit,\n coming from a more or less extended clan of which I found myself a\n member, or which for any other reason laid claim to be taken as an\n authority.

Clan definitions


group of people related by blood or marriage

See also: kindred tribe