Cladistics in a sentence as a noun

If we call that common ancestor "wolves" as we call the modern wolf it is the fault of language not of cladistics.

So here's what I've learned about taxonomy and cladistics as part of my research into wasps.

As someone that had some background in cladistics, I knew OOP was gonna get real complicated as soon as I saw animal hierarchies as a 'simple' example.

If "cladistics" is not a familiar term to you from your undergraduate education, that would be diagnostic of a poorly designed biology course, for example.

It would be different if ID advocates were presenting evidence that contradicted the findings of cladistics or so, but their arguments are metaphysical rather than evidence-based, and ID is not so much a theory as an objection to Drawinism.

The Linnaean taxonomy is one of these, and the two terms used in cladistics to describe its categories of error are "paraphyly" and "polyphyly".A paraphyletic grouping is one which contains a single common ancestor, but fails to contain all of its descendants.

Cladistics definitions


a system of biological taxonomy based on the quantitative analysis of comparative data and used to reconstruct cladograms summarizing the (assumed) phylogenetic relations and evolutionary history of groups of organisms