Ciliate in a sentence as a noun

It's a little to dense to be super readable, but I do enjoy the way it looks like some bizarre ciliated life-form, crawling on whip-like appendages through ancient protoplasm. Except the protoplasm is the space of possible thoughts.

They have two cellular layers: the top epitheloid layer is made of ciliated "cover cells" flattened toward the outside of the organism, and the bottom layer is made up of cylinder cells that possess cilia used in locomotion, and gland cells that lack cilia. Between these layers is the fibre syncytium, a liquid-filled cavity strutted open by star-like fibres.

Ciliate in a sentence as an adjective

A newly "born" ciliate has a "micronucleus", similar to one of ours, from which it makes multiple copies of its DNA to form a "macronucleus", which does all the work. Perhaps gene expression in the macronucleus even changes in a way that learns about its environment. But eventually, the ciliate mates, or goes through a sort of self-conjugation event, dividing into more than one cell, each of which gets a new micronucleus formed by recombination.

Ciliate definitions


a protozoan with a microscopic appendage extending from the surface of the cell

See also: ciliophoran


of or relating to cilia projecting from the surface of a cell

See also: ciliary cilial


of or relating to the human eyelash

See also: ciliary


having a margin or fringe of hairlike projections

See also: ciliated