Churlish in a sentence as an adjective

Seems a bit churlish to point out that it's likely because it puts the USA at the top...

Try to find some small outlets to work with because the big guys will ignore you, and do so in a mean and churlish way.

[When perl first showed up, I remember thinking how churlish its "a2p" script was... who'd want to switch to perl, given a working awk program?!

[0] Since this is just example code, it’d be churlish to point out that it’s not the right way to calculate someone’s age in the first place.

The Pirate Party could be the best party on the ballot, however if it wants people to vote for it, it should consider a non-churlish name.

Because your comments are off-topic, ignorant, demeaning and churlish

[1]It's churlish for the mob to claim they were bad for wanting to use terminator seeds, and then claim that they don't have protection because they didn't use terminator seeds.

" But to leave Markdown in the dust for a decade, then get all grabby again all of a sudden for what look more and more like the most transparently shallow of reasons, is just churlish.

Awesome, thank you!Reading it again, my comment while intended to be flippant just came out as churlish - apologies for that, and thanks for sharing this information!

It churlish to take the minority of companies willing to do it and complain that they aren't doing it enough because they want to stick with their native legal and social system.

Skype's protocols predate Microsofts takeover, so attempting to 'blame' them is churlish, and there already has been a furore over Apple and FaceTime.

It seems, at the least, incredibly churlish to me to want to deny gay people the right to marry the consenting single adult of their choice just because you think it's unfair that marriage carries privileges.

Churlish definitions


rude and boorish


having a bad disposition; surly; "churlish as a bear"- Shakespeare