Chuff in a sentence as a verb

"What the chuff has this to do with Open Source?

There's lots of other distracting chuff as well now which litters the page.

I call it reefer, chuff, party smoke, weed, or less frequently rabbit basil.

It's expected, actually, as most people who are hiring don't want to waste time trying to sort qualifications from chuff.

How it differs from YouTube is that it is much more strongly tailored to your likes, and due to time constraints, skips the chuff and gets to the meat of things quicker.

Out of the box on a fresh install there's still way too much superfluous chuff and it takes month being subjected to it and correcting the behavior before I finally have some level of confidence my phone has been housebroken.

Chuff definitions


blow hard and loudly; "he huffed and puffed as he made his way up the mountain"

See also: puff huff