Chromatography in a sentence as a noun

To find that out you could buy a gas chromatography machine, but I'm not sure if they sell home appliance versions of the equipment.

Not to be picky but did the Star Trek tricorder sequence DNA?I thought it was more like an ethereal chromatography device.

It would show up when a substance has been synthesized, and some sort of chromatography/mass spectrometry is performed on the resulting substance.

The percolation of fluids through disordered media, such as petroleum through fractured rock beds, or water through filter paper, such as in chromatography.

There was a group of folks on Silk Road buying *** from various vendors, running gas chromatography, and posting externally verified purities and reviews.

ALL of the 'revirginated' CFCs had detectable levels of impurities, and we'd frequently do tests with our fancy gas chromatography system for QC.

I remember the chemist who ran the lab at the maltings joking about the "romance" of "throwing another peat on the fire" when it reality the analysis was all done very carefully and scientifically with gas chromatography being used to control peat levels.

They provide the multi-million dollar cleanrooms required to do nanoscale fabrication, the multi-million dollar spectrometers and chromatography setups required for chemical and biological engineering, seats on even the most expensive mathematical and physical simulation software, and mechanical prototyping facilities.

Chromatography definitions


a process used for separating mixtures by virtue of differences in absorbency