Chop-chop in a sentence as an adverb

From TFV:"In order to be able to perform the landing they needed to update their software to give it optical navigation abilities ..."Imagine being part of the team that had to do that, fast, chop-chop, or else their billion dollar space mission would fail miserably.

But do you know what was the result, this guy was a was one of the you know all the [TV] series CIS / police investigation, we was simply writing a scenario and wanted to check you know, and you have this again and again or form China they told me a wonderful example of this stupidity a guy just before Tiananmen [Square] anniversary a guy was an English professor in Beijing was flirting with a lady in London, and since they were both educated he used a wonderful quote from Shakespeare, because you know in Elizabethan England the word "protest" meant also "I publicly declare" and he quoted to her "I protest my love to you" chop-chop and the conversation was cut short because the word "protest" was prohibited because of associations with Tiananmen, what I find so ridiculous is that if the guy were to be extremely vulgar and told the lady something like "I will **** your brain out" everything would be okay, you quote Shakespeare...

Chop-chop definitions


with rapid movements; "he works quickly"

See also: quickly rapidly speedily apace