Chop in a sentence as a noun

It is like the Hydra - chop off one head and it will simply grow two more.

Excel will gladly chop those off for you. Order number looks like a date because they used the year as a prefix?

Why don't they chop up the US in 60 Finland sized bits, if it's so much easier to have success in a small country?

One day they show up and chop down the tree I planted with my child when they were young, and change the color of the paint.

A nurse wouldn't sanction ice chips without the admitting physician's chop.

You don't anthropomorphize your lawnmower, the lawnmower just mows the lawn, you stick your hand in there and it'll chop it off, the end.

Chop in a sentence as a verb

You dont anthropomorphize your lawnmower, the lawnmower just mows the lawn, you stick your hand in there and itll chop it off, the end.

When you take Browns product, cut it up and combine it with, say, chopped tomato and lettuce and mayonnaise with some seasoning in it, and wrap it in a burrito, you wont know the difference between that and chicken.

Then they simply "chop-off" the last layer of the network -- the one that does the final recognition task, and instead replace it with a component for verification using only LFW training data.

That's the sort of thing C is talking about: people get so emotional when they think about psychopaths, they fail to hold themselves up to the same standards for rational discourse at which a psychopath ironically excels.

Ultimately, trees often disappear from the finished product once it has permission from the city as the developer will be looking for ways to cut costs; things like this often get the chop unless there are specific conditions to keep them in the design that have been placed on the permission granted by the local authority.

Chop definitions


the irregular motion of waves (usually caused by wind blowing in a direction opposite to the tide); "the boat headed into the chop"


a small cut of meat including part of a rib


a jaw; "I'll hit him on the chops"


a tennis return made with a downward motion that puts backspin on the ball


a grounder that bounces high in the air

See also: chopper


cut into pieces; "Chop wood"; "chop meat"


move suddenly


form or shape by chopping; "chop a hole in the ground"


strike sharply, as in some sports


cut with a hacking tool

See also: hack


hit sharply