Chirpy in a sentence as an adjective

The chirpy music, too, but the kid's "How was that?

Some days I wake up bright and chirpy in the morning.

She could have been home in a few days and chirpy by the end of the week, as my son was.

If you have any data to provide, please do so, because chirpy little responses are just so much pollution.

"The PMs were worse, putting on a perky, chirpy and cheerful show of sounding “engaged,” when in reality I knew they spent most of their day playing games..."Ayup....

He doesn't seem to be living through a "**** on earth" and has a cheerful, chirpy demeanor, but I'll double-check tomorrow that he's not about to top himself.

It's a small stringed guitar-like instrument exclusively designed for singing chirpy songs about the many wonderful things that can be observed while cleaning windows.

The inverse is also true: I'm alert and chirpy when I'm "on the ball".Also interesting to read the comments:"It is a commonplace among cops that a suspect who falls asleep while awaiting interrogation is almost certainly guilty.

"If you just ask a question about whether they do unit testing, you'll get a suitably vague and chirpy response, but specifics will normally get you a clearer answer - usually starting with a few seconds of embarrassed shuffling in their seat while they wrack their brains :>

Chirpy definitions


(birds or insects) characterized by or tending to chirp


characterized by liveliness and lightheartedness; "buoyant spirits"; "his quick wit and chirpy humor"; "looking bright and well and chirpy"; "a perky little widow in her 70s"

See also: buoyant perky