Chiasm in a sentence as a noun

The chiasm between him and 99% of people on Earth, really mind boggling that he can make so much money like that. He seems to have his head quite well on his shoulders too.

A bit of wisdom always sounds more profound when formatted as a chiasma, and a chiasma always sounds more profound with a bit of wisdom. 12.

And old chiasm albums as well. anything that 'disconnects' me from the surrounding, as I'm extremely attentive to sounds.

After the optic chiasma, the two pathways diverge. Damage any time after there, such as to the occipital lobe of one hemisphere, could result in blindness to one half of the field of view.

My optic chiasm autocorrected this to '1km' and I was confused. suggestion: change unit to megameters.

Chiasm definitions


an intersection or crossing of two tracts in the form of the letter X

See also: chiasma decussation