Cheater in a sentence as a noun

I have no fear that a cheater will make my worklife hard, because that's what interviews are for.

He's already a prolific words with friends cheater.

Because the cheater gets out the other end of the degree course with a degree they didn't earn.

Because the software showed the assignment the cheater cribbed from.

Do you want to be friends/lovers with a thief/liar/cheater?Reputation matters.

It's a very thin line for me to believe you are writing honestly here.> cheater actually gain?

True, cheaters don't have the knowledge and maybe I am a step ahead of them, because I actually put in the effort.

As a non-cheater who has been blessed with a lot of academic success, this article upsets me so much.

This is a good breakdown, but to address sharemywin's question:When you tell your child "don't be a cheater," the focus is on character.

"You're so honest" works better than "you behaved honestly," and specifically "don't be a cheater" works better than "don't cheat.

My academic success has been dearly earned and I feel like cheaters completely undermine my efforts.

"Me: "Well, I had a bolt that really didn't want to come loose, so I had a six foot cheater bar and I was bouncing my whole weight on it when suddenly it exploded.

I'm not saying I thought that, but here's how it can be understood:>> How'd you get upvoted so fast?Sounds like "You're a ******* cheater, you gamed the system">> What are you using node?

Cheater definitions


someone who leads you to believe something that is not true

See also: deceiver cheat trickster beguiler slicker