Charcuterie in a sentence as a noun

I'm doing a lot of charcuterie-style stuff lately, and a lot of playing with sous vide.

Thinking about food the first time to mind would be temperature control for charcuterie and cheeses.

I am making bread once a week, trying my hands at making croissants and just this week I decided I would give charcuterie a go. I've started with drying duck breasts but I'm sourcing what I need to make some saucissons.

Unless you're eating fondue, raclette, tartiflette, cheese with charcuterie, etc.

Back then, I found it hilarious that every third boulangerie and charcuterie had that "Thrasher" font.

Lots of talented people don't have startup ambitions; they bust their *** from 9-5 and come home to their families and their woodworking and charcuterie hobbies.

I shop at Kroger pretty often and have never considered buying cheese or charcuterie there since it seemed like it might be bad, guess I was quite a ways off the mark.

If you like, you can eat garlic bread for one meal, a Greek salad for the next, and charcuterie for a third—and you'll have "eaten a pizza" of whatever toppings you like.

Things like charcuterie, esp smoked and jarred meats, and fermented foods were originally invented by peasants to last for a long time and they still have their use, whether you are peasant or not.

I mean, to be fair you’ll also see antipasto, deli tray, meat & cheese board or even in some German influenced communities “vespers”.But if you say charcuterie you’ll be understood.

The walls are busy with gruesome anatomical diagrams, cross sections that make the male genitalia resemble charcuterie.

Nobody will use this argument to undermine your artisinal, locally-sourced charcuterie.

Why not just dunk the spatula head and handle in a 5% bleach solution?We do a fair bit of sausage and charcuterie stuff here; there's usually a bowl of bleach solution somewhere in my kitchen with something disinfecting in it.

Charcuterie definitions


a delicatessen that specializes in meats