Cesspit in a sentence as a noun

"Common sense looks like genius when its viewed from a cesspit of stupidity"?

At least this way the cesspit that is Business Insider doesn't get any extra pageviews from YC.

Given that most people's computers are a cesspit of malware, I hardly think that Bitcoin is going to save the masses from theft.

[1]The bigger issue is that Detroit is a wasteland, and it's not fair to the poor that they're stuck in an economic cesspit.

While it is impossible to deny the existence of the cesspit, I take umbrage at it being perceived as the majority of we gamers.

Haha, I've joked with a few people there needs to be a 'CrapOverflow' as a sort of cesspit of programming 'debate' so it's good to see someone following through.

Why does it not surprise me that someone who coded a newsletter for Drudge Report - a conservative cesspit of a website - is sounding like such a sore loser?

Fortunately, I don't have to spend part of my vacation wading into that cesspit to satisfy your faux-curiosity.

Cesspit definitions


a covered cistern; waste water and sewage flow into it

See also: cesspool sink sump