Cerebrum in a sentence as a noun

The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from.

So the perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake from.

High-level reasoning happens in the cerebrum, the big gray main part of the brain.

That's why when you first learn to type, it's slow, because your cerebrum is handling most of it, you have to "think about" where each key is.

In this sense, it has lower phi than the cerebrum, which is way more heterogeneously organized.

I'd be well surprised if the cerebrum continues to be outranked in things like dendritic and/or synaptic density.

Still, I'm not convinced that general anesthesia fully suspends the cerebrum.

Exactly how conscious do you expect an animal to be following the step where a bolt is blasted into their skull to destroy their cerebrum?

By way of analogy -- and I do not mean this to be taken at all literally -- you could consider the use of the cerebrum and cerebellum in physical activity.

I am reminded of a few lines from a talk by Richard Feynman:For instance, the scientific article may say, "The radioactive phosphorus content of the cerebrum of the rat decreases to one-half in a period of two weeks.

" Wikler told the commission that it would be more logical to say that death occurred when the cerebrum--the center for consciousness, thoughts, and feelings, the properties essential to having a personal identity--was destroyed.

"Incapacitation by a shot to the head is achieved when the bullet penetrates the cerebrum; however, numerous bullet trajectories, including a shot between the eyes, do not achieve this penetration.

Repeated practice of physical activities embeds the patterns in cerebellar memory, which can access them quickly; novel activities involve the slower but more flexible cerebrum, which often results in "overthinking" a shot or a move.

Cerebrum definitions


anterior portion of the brain consisting of two hemispheres; dominant part of the brain in humans