Cataract in a sentence as a noun

I don't think opthalmic surgeons are exactly slumming it, but the cost of say getting a cataract removed is under $4k per eye with no insurance.

126 - I have one eye, and pretty severe retina damage.... but I remember taking this before cataract surgery and getting a 1246.

Apparently Monet [1] had cataract surgery in 1923 and his paintings from that era suggest that he was seeing something in the UV spectrum.

The painter Monet had cataract surgery near the end of his life, which removed the lens from one eye entirely and allowed him to see ultraviolet light.

I once designed an ultrasound system that was used to decide the magnification of the plastic lens implanted in a cataract patient's eye.

Apparently the lenses block UV from reaching the retina, but with cataract surgery that isn't the case and patients have to wear glasses to prevent excess UV from damaging the eyes.

Just providing one of those anecdotes: my father's cataract surgery extended his vision into the near ultraviolet.

Which reminds me that there's been some evidence that suggests those who've had cataract surgery may be able to see deeper into the violet spectrum without a UV-filtering obstacle in place.

There was a veritable cataract of water cascading down the roof surface, skipping, for the most part, over the gutter helmets, and producing an impressive drip line in the poor guy's freshly groomed flower beds.

Cataract definitions


an eye disease that involves the clouding or opacification of the natural lens of the eye


a large waterfall; violent rush of water over a precipice