Casualness in a sentence as a noun

I like the casualness of the Metro apps.

That message seems to be intended for developers looking at this example site, thus the casualness.

Implied culture, style, and casualness are certainly signal, though not in the formal academic sense.

> But as you grow older, you also lose a lot of that casualness that you had before: you don't just invite them over after work to play video games.

The casualness with which the question is put makes me curious, but my home keys are generally something I use in the door at home, not at the store.

As a game developer, I'd explain this as follows: the whole gaming industry has been following the same path towards casualness.

And similarly, any FB-managed service has that lack of illusory privacy and what does FB accomplish here?

People like the filters, but it's the casualness and the addictiveness of acquiring "Likes" that is Instagram's main draw, and that's more of a UI/UX thing than aesthetic appeal.

They approach it with a casualness and an indecisiveness which would not work in any other context where something expensive and custom was being built from scratch.

" When I asked him how he pointed out that I was moving around six figure chunks of money and I wasn't nervous at all. Whereas people who weren't experienced were either hyper paranoid or excessively laid back in a sort of faux casualness.

The casualness with which people seem to expect revolution shows a profound lack of historical appreciation for past revolutions.

I find it amazing the casualness with which a small group of developers just shut off an entire set of functionality with no regard for its size, utility...

But even this court was shocked, not only by the seeming pervasive scope of misconduct but even more distressingly by the seeming casualness by which such conduct is employed.

Their casualness, lackadaisical attitude, and general "go with the flow, man" attitude towards the job and the employee hierarchy just makes it very easy to say, "Next!

Given that I have actual experience interacting with my friends and you have only your imagination, perhaps you should reconsider the casualness with which you've insulted me.

What concerns me is the casualness with which trolls threaten rape/death/other violence behind the anonymity of the internet; the more frequently this behavior is seen, the more normalized it becomes.

Regardless, the casualness with which "collateral" deaths of civilians has been handled for several of the US's recent military activities may be of a different nature but not necessarily on a higher moral standing.

The casualness with which you suppose that California alone is producing more innovation the entire rest of the country suggests that you're overwhelmingly focused on a very, very specific definition of 'innovation'.

Casualness definitions


a casual manner

See also: familiarity