Carping in a sentence as a noun

Maybe... personally I find most of the carping about Java class names to be hyperbole.

On top of that, at least in DC, they're renting barricades and pasting them with signs carping about the shutdown.

Some of it is carping on what is perceived as an economic threat by someone who is in an insecure position.

If you're willing to do more than sit around carping online, there are plenty of ways of getting involved and making a difference.

Probably because carping about word choice diverts the conversation, with no benefit in this case because the meaning was clear.

It is a minuscule problem compared to anti-female sexism and, to my ears, carping on about it sounds as misplaced as white males going on about being discriminated by ethnic minorities.

The post-1913 banking system functioned well for decades, including during a world war. Obviously it had its weaknesses, but where is the proof that the pre-1913 system would have been better in the same circumstances?Also, he is carping about the wrong thing - he complains that the Fed was only 40% secured by gold, but the Fed is not the entity that failed; the banks did.

Carping definitions


persistent petty and unjustified criticism

See also: faultfinding