Carp in a sentence as a noun

Nurse, he's escaped again!What a load of old carp.

Pig and chicken feet, turkey necks, beef tails, intestines, carp and catfish.

Yes it has, just to name a few:kernel: Wireless drivers, aslr, pf etc. userland: ssh, ntpd, carp, bgpd etc.

Carp in a sentence as a verb

They imagine gamma radiation zinging through the air and making people's hair stand up and giving the carp in the lake third eyes.

All it takes is one person accidentally releasing Asian grass carp for it to infest the entire country.

Carp definitions


the lean flesh of a fish that is often farmed; can be baked or braised


any of various freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae


raise trivial objections

See also: cavil chicane