Cardiology in a sentence as a noun

I don't have time to get into it here, but conventional cardiology is essentially malpractice in my opinion.

Global climatology is no where near the black and white science that cardiology or electrical engineering is.

What are you talking about?My #3 point was not that dietary health isn't important. It IS important. It's as important as cardiology, renal, etc in the curriculum.

I think it's just a matter of time before some legitimate cardiology hospital accidentally adopts this as their logo.

Everything from the correct techniques for birthing to height projection charts for children, through immunisations and treatment for common illnesses, to whole specialties of cardiology, renal medicine, ....

Given a couple years of med school and some on the job experience, and a couple days to fully research each emergency room and cardiology department in the country, my neighbor could probably have made an intelligent free market decision when he had his heart attack.

Cardiology definitions


the branch of medicine dealing with the heart and its diseases