Carboniferous in a sentence as a noun

Why would we have to make coal in the way it was made in the carboniferous?

In other words, the wood from trees could not decay, which was the base for the coal deposits from the carboniferous period, which still form most of the coal today.

The coal deposits which we still exploit today, against all better knowledge, have mostly been formed during the carboniferous geological period.

Carboniferous in a sentence as an adjective

I had wondered, if the present warming rate goes on indefinitely, how long is it before we go back to the levels that produced 3 foot bugs and such in the carboniferous or whatever it was?

This lead to a cooling of the planet due to reduced CO2 levels and the precipitation of iron oxides into massive deposits worldwide, today visible as "banded iron formations" [1].The second mass extinction with a clear biological origin is the current one, where **** sapiens is converting a massive quantity of carbon previously sequestered during the carboniferous back into CO2 and warming the planet as a result.

Carboniferous definitions


from 345 million to 280 million years ago

See also: Carboniferous


of or relating to the Carboniferous geologic era; "carboniferous rock system"


relating to or consisting of or yielding carbon

See also: carbonaceous carbonous carbonic