Cannulate in a sentence as a verb

Once you go this way you might as well cannulate. There might be some special cases where you can get 100 µl but not 3 mL, but this market is not going to support the weight of a unicorn.

I had a major operation just before 2017's intake it was interesting having a new doctor trying to cannulate me - I suspect the nurses where round the corner trying do to laugh.

The major limiting factor as to when it can be transferred to the bag is when the umbilical vessels are large enough to safely and efficiently cannulate. Oxygenation, nutrient delivery and waste removal are all done via the umbilical vessels through external devices.

I have yet to see anything that can automatically take blood, cannulate a patient, intubate a patient, perform a ring block with local anaesthetic, run a cardiac arrest, etc. The chasm looks small from a distance but when you get up close, it's actually really big.

Cannulate definitions


introduce a cannula or tube into; "Cannulate the blood vessel in the neck"

See also: cannulize cannulise intubate canulate