Candidness in a sentence as a noun

Appreciate the candidness of the team writing about their naive approach.

I really appreciated the candidness on getting out of the midwest.

Gwern has an addictive element of thoroughness, candidness, and sheer information density in his posts.

I really appreciated his candidness about the whole process.

While I appreciate Carson's candidness in blogging how they do things, there's a couple of dangerous things in his recommendations.

If you truly believe in it, this should become second nature and they'll smell the candidness whereas a scripted pitch comes off as brittle and less engaging.

There's enough transparency, candidness and equality among all.

A much more important factor is the openness/candidness with which you present yourself, and the amount of perceived empathy & compassion you have for the person you're engaging with.

Candidness definitions


the quality of being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech

See also: candor candour frankness directness forthrightness