Calorimeter in a sentence as a noun

In a bomb calorimeter, it's as good as carbs or fat, only denser.

You'd need a calorimeter to submerge the phone in to measure a lot of this stuff.

Yes, but a human body is not a bomb calorimeter.

This device will _waste_ the output of the fire for the most part, it's open..not closed like a calorimeter.

And that's why people did the calorimeter burning measurements.

That's why we stick food in a calorimeter, burn it, and consider the heat it provides to be a measure of its caloric content.

If you burn some hydrogen in a bomb calorimeter, the energy will stay inside the calorimeter.

I wonder if you could just have a calorimeter and a block of material with similar properties to human tissue?

The calories listed on nutrition labels are determined by burning a sample of food in a bomb calorimeter.

It measures the energy that the combustion of something produces after putting it on a calorimeter.

That calorimeter value is essentially the upper limit for "calories in".

The number of calories are measured in a food using a bomb calorimeter can be different from how many calories of the digested food are available for use to the human body.

Essentially, while foods may contain the same calories as measured by a bomb calorimeter or similar, the rate at which those calories are broken down by your body into simple sugars for absorption by your blood varies.

The truth is, your body isn't a calorimeter, and metabolizes different calorie sources in different ways..simple carbs break down easily, early in your digestive process, while proteins are broken down more slowly.

Since our body does not reach the efficiency of a bomb calorimeter, calories consumed through oral or intravenous ingestion will overstate the number of calories that are used by the human body calories in < calories out.

Calorimeter definitions


a measuring instrument that determines quantities of heat