Calmness in a sentence as a noun

There are no distractions, you can read the text in calmness.

Take for example, that calmness can predict the stock market[1].

> Then look into the conditions of "flow"Since I was a kid, I would have these rare moments of intense calmness.

Though I am often in the depths of misery, there is still calmness, pure harmony and music inside me.

If you couldn't hack it you wouldn't be here to begin with, and that calmness gives strength, sometimes unnatural strength, when you need it.

"I believe calmness and coolness of another time can reveal so much about what people were trying to communicate early on.

If I can go from sheer terror to calmness in four minutes and be fine, I can deal with difficult social situations, as they say on Reddit, "like a boss".

The sheer size of it gives me both hope, in that there's so much out there to learn and discover, and calmness, in that my problems are petty and not worth getting upset about.

But I'm at a point now where I can almost feel as though my mind is a shell and I can consciously shed layers off with each layer giving me a new sense of calmness.

I would much rather have moments of doubt and darkness and get to enjoy all the fruits of the intellectual and creative life than the banal calmness of normal existence.

" And I should mention that from my impression the people involved in civil rights behaved with calmness and dignity, and never would have turned shrill at a small setback or upset.

I guess "seriousness" is subjective but when it comes to calmness vs. panic, I know which alternative I'd prefer the people around me to exhibit in an emergency.

In the UK we might value focus, calmness, and purpose on a webpage, whereas lots of Chinese webpages seem to be designed for this 'hot and noisy' idea of fun. I think the aesthetic sense here for the majority of people is significantly different from our own in general, so I don't see why this might be different on the web.

Is it possible that the CIA can watch for shifts in calmness to anxiety or shifts in the number of pronouns used in reference to a particular leader and measure the likely hood of political uprising?

Calmness definitions


steadiness of mind under stress; "he accepted their problems with composure and she with equanimity"

See also: composure calm equanimity


an absence of strong winds or rain


a feeling of calm; an absence of agitation or excitement