Callousness in a sentence as a noun

But to be proud of your own callousness towards others?

It's the only sane way that would put the burden of callousness on the people with the right to to those health services.

A pervasive environment of callousness makes glurge seem like a welcome relief.

I've worked in a few other industries and I've never felt the callousness that I did while working in the adult industry.

This kind of callousness and careerism happens with anybody who starts working in the industry of putting people in jail.

Your opinion on depression is likewise both immature and disgusting in its callousness.

I recognize in myself almost all these sources of grumpiness and callousness towards them to different degrees at the places I have worked.

Is more callousness, more dishonesty, and more manipulation really what's missing from our society?

There was a kind of background noise level of callousness; people who were "different" in various ways were singled out for mockery in the school paper, people who were struggling were ostracized.

A kid watching a ****** on TV may not be benefiting much from it, and maybe he's learning a certain degree of callousness, but at least he is not being conditioned to pull the trigger.

And if their inefficiencies make them seem brutal and callous, that's just all the evidence to know that making them more efficient would lead to even more brutality and callousness.

Very extreme exploitation started, and many people had to struggle and even risk their lives to change that from utter callousness to calculated and physically healthier exploitation.

Two of those posts relate to AirBnB, drawing attention to the intense emotional trauma she's currently suffering and inattention and callousness that AirBnB is displaying towards her situation.

If Truman's generals had presented alternative military options for ending the war that would not have cost vast numbers American lives, and Truman had ignored these options due to callousness to the lives of the Japanese, then I would agree that Truman was evil.

Callousness definitions


devoid of passion or feeling; hardheartedness

See also: unfeelingness callosity hardness insensibility