Cagey in a sentence as an adjective

Its one thing to be cagey with details and unscientific with your "forum" approach.

Wall \nis English, shorter, dark-haired, impeccably suited, cagey, reticent, and dry. \nBoth are in their 50s.

Perhaps the authors are just being cagey so as not to paint themselves into a corner, but this is not a clear statement that the administration lied.

Every story like this shows PayPal as cagey, unhelpful and unwilling to have a discussion or reconsider at all.

Tony was very cagey about the project but was unequivocal about the fact that it was revolutionary.

It seems a bit odd for you to be so cagey about the identity of this "original site" while at the same time lamenting that they aren't getting the traffic they deserve.

When asked about his conviction, he's not cagey about it, or apologetic about it, but he also doesn't go overboard with explanations.

In terms of practice, the only real dividie is between Sunni and Shi'a, and almost people when question about which one they are get cagey and will tell you they are Muslim, for the reasons they described.

Engineers from Orbcomm and Sierra Nevada Corporation, the manufacturer, are deciding what can be done, and both SpaceX and Orbcomm are being noticeably cagey about their press releases.

Whilst I don't agree with the practice, the reason most recruiters are cagey about disclosing too much info on the company they represent is because they don't want the candidate to go to the company directly and saving the company $25k.

Cagey definitions


showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others; "a cagey lawyer"; "too clever to be sound"

See also: cagy canny clever


characterized by great caution and wariness; "a cagey avoidance of a definite answer"; "chary of the risks involved"; "a chary investor"

See also: cagy chary