Cacao in a sentence as a noun

They shouldn't. The best cookies are going to have ~ 60% cacao chips.

I feel the same after drinking coffee or any tea or some cacao mix by nestle.

That's the milk solids separating from the cacao.

Or the market will simply move off of cacao into some other source that's cheaper to source.

The cacao provides a boost, in a different way than coffee, and health benefits. 

So because we call cacao beans cacao beans, they're okay to eat, but because we call whatever whatever, it's not?

Her basic point -- as should have been obvious from reading the article -- is that chocolate should have: cacao beans, cane sugar, and vanilla.

The soft melting of a piece of milka, the soft stickiness of your tongue against your teeth, the feeling in your throat, and of course, the sweet cacao taste on your tongue?

My guess is that we'll see a number of market factors combine to sustain higher prices at the cash register, even if cacao prices fluctuate down.

Similar experiences and I quit coffee ~ 6 months ago. I switched to cacao; initially ground cacao beans and settled on cacao powder.

Thanks for the little bag with fermented cacao beans you put into this weeks package together with a note that espresso and pure cacao go well together.

Periodically, the big candy makers try to get the FDA to relax the definition of "chocolate" to allow non-cacao fats into the mix.

All the ingredients are natural and the list is short, basic, and acceptable to a paleo diet: almonds, dates, coconut, honey, crickets, cacao, vanilla, and sea salt.

If they didn't, one of the dozens upon dozens of boutique suppliers already vying for shelf space at Whole Foods and Safeway and Costco would sacrifice a little surplus profit to make a play for some of Callebaut's market share.† Sugar is an exception, but there are extrinsic reasons for the market dynamics of sugar --- trade policy and subsidies being two big ones --- that are absent from cacao.

Cacao definitions


tropical American tree producing cacao beans