Buzz in a sentence as a noun

Lots of froth, lots of buzz, lots of hype.

I guess it is the "fizz buzz" of SQL these days .

In the past having a buzz would help you get signed but it was not the only factor.

Buzz in a sentence as a verb

Tim O'Reilly on money:It’s easy to get caught up in the heady buzz of making money.

It's refreshing to see that all this buzz was the result of a glorious postal mishap, not a concerted effort to hijack our attention with a viral marketing stunt.

I would immediately fire a systems architect that designed a single player game to compute significant calculations on our expensive [buzz word] cloud servers.

Buzz definitions


sound of rapid vibration; "the buzz of a bumble bee"

See also: bombilation bombination


a confusion of activity and gossip; "the buzz of excitement was so great that a formal denial was issued"


make a buzzing sound; "bees were buzzing around the hive"

See also: bombinate bombilate


fly low; "Planes buzzed the crowds in the square"


be noisy with activity; "This office is buzzing with activity"

See also: seethe


call with a buzzer; "he buzzed the servant"