Buttoned-down in a sentence as an adjective

"I had on khakis and a buttoned-down shirt, and I had to stand by the door and get chewed out for about 15 minutes.

Stop being buttoned-down corporate and appeal to the fanatic feeling that still exists for the Mac> 23.

And what about all the free software/open source advocates that came out of buttoned-down tech schools like MIT, including Richard Stallman?

But choking all of the less buttoned-down, more rebellious voices is a pretty sure path towards killing the creative spirits that made a lot of today's profits possible.

Products that are great for people who are throwing around money in a frothy bubble environment can be millsontes in a buttoned-down, post-crash situation.

There won't be much independence to ask hard questions when buttoned-down Bloomberg lifers are brought in to keep the kids in line and global multinationals like Hyundai are footing the bill.

Buttoned-down definitions


unimaginatively conventional; "a colorful character in the buttoned-down, dull-grey world of business"- Newsweek

See also: button-down conservative