Buttock in a sentence as a noun

That's now fixed, but it was a buttock clenching moment.

Over half the surface area of my right buttock, hip, and upper leg was purple, with 6 new scars.

So they beat you viciously on your thighs/buttocks/shoulders/upper back.

They've learned over the years that the customers don't give a rat's left buttock how it gets done, so long as it gets done well.

"It is a painful injection in the buttock,".... most likely the reason why it is not more popular.

I suddenly noticed this dull aching pain in my hip/buttock sometime in December.

These kinds of posts really bug me. Users don't give a rat's left buttock whether the "ecosystem" is closed or open or anything in between.

By late winter I had serious buttock pains sitting in a chair or driving after about 15-30 minutes.

I can also relax my genital by performing squat and rest my buttock which is important for brahmacharya.

> a governing class with titles that sounded like "buttock" or "scrotum".Titles of those who server in a bi-cameral legislature.

I don't recall internet without the "the" being used by anybody in the UK in the early 90s. One confounding factor is that news articles were almost 100% written by people who had no knowledge or experience of the topic, and were almost universally as buttock-clenchingly awful as any article written on youth culture at any point in history.

Ironically you're simultaneously taught to always trust the instruments over your inner ear, and generally as much as I do get the buttock feeling now, I would say my primary focus remains on the visuals + instruments.

Neither of us are lawers, but right there in the statutes you've posted is the line "Sexual contact means any touching of an erogenous zone of another, including without limitation the thigh, genitals, buttock, pubic region, or, if the person is a female, a breast, for the purpose of sexually arousing or gratifying either person.

Buttock definitions


either of the two large fleshy masses of muscular tissue that form the human rump

See also: cheek